Writing as: Lynn Morrison

According to the bio on her website: "I believe it was Plato who said that necessity is the mother of all invention. In the case of my writing career, that statement is 100% true. I fell into writing when I moved to the Netherlands with an eight-week old baby in tow. Neither my husband nor I spoke Dutch, and we didn’t have the first clue what questions we needed to ask to get the information we needed to survive as expat parents.

After a year of learning my way around the Netherlands, I wanted to help other families avoid the same problem. I convinced my partner-in-crime to launch an expat parenting website with me. We designed and built it from scratch, and my writing career was launched. It wasn’t long afterwards that I decided to branch out, writing less about Dutch daycares and more about my own trials and tribulations as a woman, wife and mother.

Fictional writing followed along when I realised that a tweak here and there, or even a broad extension of the truth could sometimes move a personal story from meh to wow. I was well and truly hooked.

Nowadays, I write fiction when the stories in my head become too exciting to ignore. I love starting with a central character – always a powerful, confident woman – and then seeing what happens when I turn her life upside down.

When I need a break from my imagination, I write nonfiction: How To guides, freelance articles and blog posts."

Series Books
Dora & Rex Murder, I Spy (2023)
  The Missing Agent (2023)
  Death Undercover (2023)
  Double Cross Dead (2023)
  The Cryptic Cold Case (2024)
  The Cryptic Cold Case (2024)
Other Murder at St Margaret [Oxford Key] (2020)
  Burglary at Barnard [Oxford Key] (2020)
  Arson at the Ashmolean [Oxford Key] (2020)
  Sabotage at Somerset [Oxford Key] (2021)
  The Eternal Investigator [Oxford Key] (2021)
  Raven's Influence [Midlife in Raven] (2021)
  Raven's Joy [Midlife in Raven] (2021)
  Stakes and Spells [Stakes and Spells] (2021)
  Spells and Fangs [Stakes and Spells] (2021)
  Post Mortem at Padua [Oxford Key] (2022)
  Homicide at Holly Manor [Oxford Key] (2022)
  Raven's Matriarch [Midlife in Raven] (2022)
  Raven's Storm [Midlife in Raven] (2022)
  Fangs and Cauldrons [Stakes and Spells] (2022)
  A Queen Only Lives Twice [Wandering Witch] (2022)