Martin_Tavy2 Martin_Tavy1
Full Name: Tavy Martin
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Diana Winsor
Time Span: 1972 - 1974


Tavy Martin is a part-time agent for British Intelligence.

She has had no training as such and she is used only twice but both of those times she has been asked to place herself in harms way to root out perpetrators who seek to bring trouble to Her Majesty's government.

Her first name is really Octavia, which she never uses, preferring 'Tavy'. Her normal line of work is in the Public Relations department of the Ministry of Defence where she is a secretary. She is fairly young, quite attractive, and very smart. She has no serious relationships, choosing instead to have a fair number of men whom she dates, although there is a Naval officer named John that she is starting to think twice about.

Her experience with clandestine work comes about because of Charles, an older man with a fairly high position at the MOD and connected to British Intelligence, a man she has known for some time and with whom she once had a brief affair even though he was married. Still friends and still affectionate, though not intimate, she is willing to listen when Charles approaches her to take on the first assignment.

For his part, Charles did not intend that Martin should get deep enough to be endangered. He needed someone to ask questions at the Portsmouth Naval Yard and he knew any agent he sent in would be suspected as an outsider. A young woman who transfers to that area to be with her new boyfriend, however, would be accepted readily, especially when that woman was as friendly and personable as Charles knew Martin to be.

So it is that Martin is sent to handle her first unofficial case, a matter that takes a more dangerous turn than either of them expected. And some time later when Charles again needs someone unsuspected, he knew who he should call.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:1972
Last Appearance:1974

1 Red On Wight Red On Wight
Written by Diana Winsor
Copyright: 1972

An explosion on board a navy frigate in port and the death by 'misadventure' of a leading seaman from that ship points to something bad happening and prompts the assigninf of Tavy Martin to investigate.

2 The Death Convention The Death Convention
Written by Diana Winsor
Copyright: 1974

The Lovers Of Life is a fast growing international environmental group protesting, among other things, a rash of oil spills that wreck havoc on the coastlines. When indications come that at least one of the spills was caused by a deliberate explosion, Tavy Martin is sent to monitor the group's convention in Amsterdam.


The feeling I got from the two-book series on Tavy Martin is a bit difficult to explain, except to say that they were 'matter-of-fact'.

The series doesn't push, either in drama or comedy, towards any solution and yet it gets there, nevertheless. There is no real excitement nor is there much tension. The people do what they do and the matter gets resolved.

I can't really recommend them as something that must be read but neither would I dissuade someone from trying them. The writing is well done and prose is appealing. It is just a bit bland.


My Grade: C+


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