Lion_Tal2 Lion_Tal1
Full Name: Talbot (Tal) Lion
Nationality: American
Organization: Presidential Agent
Occupation Agent

Creator: Sam Victor
Time Span: 1981 - 1981


Tal Lion is an agent for the President.

To any part of the world who knows of Lion, he was a 31-year old, blue-eyed blond playboy with no apparent means of support, that is steady job, who loves sailing, flying, gambling, and the ladies. He travels the world as it pleases him, meets hundreds of interesting people and as many who are less than illustrious.

To the President, a man twenty years older and considerably more restrained, Lion is the younger brother than very few people in the world know about. The two men share the same mother and little else and for each other's sake they strive to keep it that way. At first the secrecy was kept to reduce the political headaches such a revelation would produce but after a time, something else became clear.

Lion, for all his jet-setting ways, has few things to tie him down. He is able to jet-set around the world and live a life most dream of, including having two live-in girl friends, at the same time in the same abode. He also possesses a keen mind and lightning reflexes.

Being of a daring nature and having the trust of the leader of the free world, Lion became a great tool in the President's defense of freedom. He could go wherever he wanted and, if things get a bit tough for the assignment big brother, literally, has passed on, he could call for some overt help to nudge things along.

Young, rich, good-lucking, adventurous, smart, athletic, it pretty much says it all. Unless, of course, the President was asked, for he would say Lion was impetuous, lazy, good-for-little, over-sexed and, at times when the weight of the free world is pressing down, some one to be envied.

But he is also someone to be relied upon for despite his many obvious failings, Lion has a deep love for his older brother, a true patriotism for his country, and an unabashed delight in excitement and danger.

He finds his fair share.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:1981
Last Appearance:1981

1 White House Massacre White House Massacre
Written by Sam Victor
Copyright: 1981

A very small but extremely powerful nuclear weapon has been created by the American government. It can be fit in a small briefcase and carried almost anywhere. That technology has been stolen. The man who engineered the theft also saw to the 'suicides' of those who stole it for him. Lion's job is to stop the mastermind before he can destroy American-Chinese relations.

2 Cuban Inferno Cuban Inferno
Written by Sam Victor
Copyright: 1981

A huge influx of Cuban refugees has brought the problem of Cuba to a boiling point with one side wanting closed borders and the other wanting an invasion of the island nation. Both sides, however, seem to want the President dead and Tal's job is to keep that from happening.


These two books are just fun. International events are far too simplified, as is common for action adventures but the action itself is fast and furious; I regretted that Sam Victor didn't do more as the premise of the President's half-brother being a man of action was enjoyable.

It is important to note that this series came out about a decade and a half before the Internet and certainly two decades before it would be come an integral part of everyday life. I mention this because the idea that the President could have an unknown half-brother is pretty far out there even for that time, virtually impossible for now.


My Grade: C+


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